Testimonial with Jéssica
I have Borderline, and I’d like you to know that I do have some limitations, yes, but those limitations don’t define who I am or all of my abilities.
When I discovered the diagnosis, in 2023, part of me felt relieved because I knew something was going on and that it wasn't just "some random depression," as people would say. Finally, I felt I could seek specific treatment.
But another part of me was scared because I only knew the disorder by name and was very afraid of what it would mean for my life.
Today, the symptoms that affect me the most are impulsivity and self-harm ideation. Impulsivity shows up in behaviors where I don’t think before acting, and the ideations have led me to five hospitalizations due to self-harm.
I've learned to manage the symptoms mostly through therapy but also with a lot of willpower and support from those around me. On days when I'm feeling more negative, I try to be with people who care about me and who I know won’t judge me. I also do enjoyable activities like watching the sunrise and sunset, reading, or listening to music.
To manage my emotions, I've learned to listen to my body, get good sleep, eat healthily, and exercise. This combination helps me maintain my mental well-being. For triggers and impulses, I use techniques I work on in therapy, but of course, I don’t always succeed, and mistakes are part of the process. What we can’t do is give up!
My biggest fear with this disorder is all the stigma…how society judges us harshly for having a condition that isn’t our fault. But to them, we’re expected to act as if nothing’s wrong. It’s sad, frustrating, but it’s the reality, unfortunately.
One thing Borderline has taught me is how essential and important empathy is, and we have a lot of it, which is amazing! Something positive the disorder has shown me is that I'm much stronger than I ever imagined, and I’m very grateful for that—I feel like a winner.
From the diagnosis to today, a lot has changed. I had to understand what was Jessica with Borderline and what was just Jessica. The truth is that Jessica with Borderline caused a lot of damage during this year and a half since the diagnosis, but gradually I realized that, in many of those moments, I was sick and did what I did not out of malice but because I was unwell and needed help.Today, I’m rebuilding myself after everything, fighting to be myself again with my values.
For someone going through a tough phase, I’d say: Nothing lasts forever, not even the good things, so this problem/complication isn’t an exception—it will also pass with time, because time is our best friend.